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Por Un Mundo De Paz. Baruch ha ba, b'shem Adonai, Shalom! Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor. 'Ani ohev et Yisrael!
Hola amigos estoy encantado que hayais venido a mi Website y aunque creo que en estos momentos algunos no se país muy bien como habeís llegado hasta aquí. Espero que no lo lamenteis!!! Gracias de todos modos!!
Talofa tele lava! Hi, my name is Pablo Rodríguez and welcome to my world on the internet. Here I want to share my dreams, my desires, and my music. Music can make people laugh and cry, make you remember the times when you were younger, or just tell the person you love how you feel about them. You can find all that you are looking for in Polynesian, Asian and Latino music and entertainment. Lolomi fa'alua le ki i so se links e ke maua mea uma o le itu. Use the Search This Site box below to easily find what you are looking for. You can also listen live to RCI-Radio Paradise in RealAudio and MP3 sound clips of my songs. The links will direct you to the different areas of my website or use Web Search located below to find what you are looking. Mabuhay! Isang daang taong Kalayaan, isang bayan, isang tinig, isang awit! Tara na! Register ka na sa Pablo Music Net SMS. And please don't forget to sign my guest book. I welcome your comments on how to improve this site. My email address is webmaster [a bildua], if you are human you can guess what "a bildua" means in Basque. You can also send me instant messages on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) at screen name "ulapablo" or Yahoo Messenger screenname "pablito305br". See and hear the beauty of Asia and Latin America. Nyob zoo! Sis ntsib dlua lwm zag. Have fun!
pablitonet tagged map - Tagzania
If you wish to join me on the map, you can do it as follows. I have decided to use a website based on Googlemaps and named Tagzania. To add your position in the map, you just need to register, login, and add your location following the instructions detailed in the Tagzania page. It is important to add some certain tags if you want to appear in my map on this page. The embeded version of the map that you can see here is created based on a tag group, and it is necessary to use these tags to appear on the map. So if you want to join me, just add your location using this tag: pablitonet or you may also want to join my friends with the Ubuntu Basque Tribe project, if so add these tags in addition to the above mentioned tag: ubuntutribe, film. You can add as many other tags as you want, such as your city and country name. Please join me on the map!
Malo lava le soifua. Ia manuia le aso! Libertad por tú y me.
O G-d, Bless those for whom life is unhappy. Bless those who are underpaid and overworked, and those who are always tired. Bless those who are always taken for granted, and those who are never thanked, or praised or appreciated. Bless those for whom life is lonely and empty, and those whom illness has handicapped or laid aside. Bless those who are worried. Amene
The road west of Leone, Samoa
Words Of Wisdom: In everything you do, put G-d first, and He will guide and direct you. Our children are the future of this world. Train your children in the way they should go, and they will never depart from it. In my life I want to be kind and show concern for everyone, because G-d loved all of us. If G-d had intended today to be perfect, He wouldn't have invented tomorrow. He gives you another chance to get it right! When the person I care about is away, a part of my heart is also away. True love is not just sexual feeling, but the feeling that I want to spend the rest of my life with this person and care for them as I would care for myself.
Listen to my newest song Maeva (Basque & Tahitian). Check back each week to see my newest songs.
If there is light in the soul, There will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, There will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, There will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, There will be peace in the world. -Chinese Proverb
Pago Pago harbor
La'u Pele (Namorada): Ia e alofa atu i le lua te tua'oi ia pei o 'oe lava ia te 'oe. Atrás de um grande homem há sempre uma grande mulher. The beauty of a woman isn't in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty of a woman isn't in her face, but true beauty of a woman is reflected by her soul. It's the caring that she cares to give, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman, with the passing years, only grows.
If it should happen that your dreams are shattered, do not be afraid. Have the courage to pick up the pieces and smile at the world. For dreams that are easily shattered can just as easily be rebuilt. Alofa mo outou uma!
My island of Tutuila
Polynesian Way: A man's life is like a circle, and this circle must have a center to hold it together. When you find this perfect center or companion, you will know it. If the center of the circle is gone, the circle will fall apart. 'Ou te alofa ia te oe! Every decision you make will influence the balance of life; a decision you make for your self may change some one else's life too, for better or for worse. If in doubt about the direction you are going, ask G-d to point you in the right way.
Fagatogo and Malae O Le Talu
Lion for life...manuia!!
Call Pablo (Línea directo) 1-239-309-2885 RCI-Curitiba, PR Brasil +554140421664
RCI-Atlanta, GA 1-678-607-2526
RCI-Berkeley, CA 1-510-495-6276
RCI-Boise, ID 1-208-608-5232
RCI-Ft. Lauderdale, FL 1-954-518-3712
RCI-Honolulu, HI 1-808-626-5148
RCI-Houston, TX 1-713-231-6665
RCI-Jacksonville, FL 1-904-377-7411
RCI-Los Angeles, CA 1-909-868-7757
RCI-Miami, FL 1-786-708-6700
RCI-New York, NY 1-212-518-6657
RCI-San Francisco, CA 1-415-568-8782
RCI-Tampa, FL 1-813-867-3899
Bella Luna Karaokê 1-404-490-0395
Send A Fax To 1-305-615-1003
"Unity Is Our Strength"Ia Manuia
Just looking to see who is visiting my website!!
Ratings are based on play time on radio and Digicube downloads.
Pago Pago,Samoa "La Gente Hermosa"
Havana,Cuba "La Patria Antes Todos"
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webmaster [a bildua]